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So, what's the difference between computer consulting and business technology consulting, you ask? Basically, the Single Click IT's business technology consulting service provides a total overview on the technologies you're using now versus what's available that could help improve your company's productivity. This goes well beyond making suggestions about what kind of PC's to buy or what kind of servers to install. We will factor in all of the technology that your using including software, mobile devices, tablets and more. What we offer is a total evaluation of your business and the role technology plays in keeping it running. Then we make some suggestions about what to change and what you're doing right.

Our technology consultants will first take a detailed look at your business from an operations stand point. We want to know as much as we can about what you do, why you do it and what exactly has to happen for you to hit a home run doing it. We'll then look at what you're using now and where it's effective or where there may be some holes in the system. At this stage we're going to ask a lot of questions. Once we have the answers we need, we will go do our homework.

Once we've evaluated your business, we'll take all of the information we have and start to do some research. Depending on your business and goals, there may be better software you could be using or a better way to use your existing software. There could be a better way to connect with remote employees. You might be able to dramatically increase productivity by changing the way you interact with your mobile devices. It could also be that you have some issues with your disaster recovery plan that you're not aware of. Perhaps your network has holes exposing it to viruses and malware. Maybe you really like your existing IT provider and just want or need to get an outside opinion on the hardware they just installed. Perhaps you just want to know what the newest, most effective way to manage your technology is.

The ultimate goal is to offer you an outside look at how effectively you're using technology and what can be done to improve it. You may be saying to yourself "they just want to get all up in my business to sell me stuff". We promise, that's not what this is about. We have saved our clients tons of money by pointing out places where they're needlessly spending money or over paying for something. Do our consulting sessions lead to clients spending more money with us? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes we just don't find anything wrong. We know this is completely counter-thinking to the traditional consulting profession. After all, if consultants don't find anything wrong, there is no more billable time for them. We don't care. Sometimes you just need that confirmation from a 3rd party. The main goal of our technology consulting service is to provide businesses throughout Florida a source they can trust to tell them if they are on the right path.

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